Our digital flyer management system emails district, school, and community flyers directly to families and posts them to school-specific websites.
Remote Learning at Grant
Important links
Map to Grant Middle School
Online Registration ParentVue/StudentVue
Bell Schedules
APS Student Handbook (PDF)
Grant Tech Support
School Wellness Profile
2024 8th Grade Promotion
ParentVUE / StudentVUE
RSS feed for Homepage
Calendar of Events
An elective class for students who would like to prepare for college. The class provides support, academic monitoring, and tutoring.
Social Emotional Support Services (SESSII)
One of six APS programs for elementary through high school students requiring services of an intensive, supported, and structured environment.
Hoping to be Less Wrong07/30/20
Grab and Go Meals07/30/20
Pick Up Grab-and-Go Meals at APS High Schools Starting in August老王永久免费佛
Twieface 推特(Twitter)客户端,无需V--P--N 即可轻松遨世界 ...:2021-6-19 · Twieface 推特(Twitter)客户端,无需V--P--N 即可轻松遨世界 在App Store里逛的时候发现一款名叫Twieface的软件,界面什么的都跟官方Twitter类似,能直接上Twitter。完全傻瓜式的。从名字上看有Free字样,那么肯定有Pro版,果然,Pro版的要12软妹币。我适用07/29/20
Have You Responded to the Census Yet? It's Not Too Late!07/30/20
District Events
Santo Domingo Pueblo Feast Day
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference
老王 vp n
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference老王 vp n